Routes & Maps

You’ll find all the routes and maps as well as an accomodation listing below.
Pre Pilgrimage Start Point Dundalk
Day 1: Faughart to Dundalk
Day 2: Dundalk to Ardee
Day 3: Ardee to Slane
Day 4: Slane to Tara
Day 5: Tara to Moynalvey
Day 6: Moynalvey to Donadea Forest Park
Day 7: Donadea Forest Park to Robertstown
Day 8: Robertstown to Milltown
Day 9: Pollardstown Fen to Kildare
Accomodation Listing

Brigid's Way Pligrimage 2025: 9 Months & 9 Routes
Brigid’s Way has a special pilgrimage opportunity for 2025. The 9 routes will be led by Firekeeper Siobhán Madden and others along the way, over 9 months. So a different route each month starting from Faughart and ending in Brigid’s Fire Temple in October.

Brigid's Way One Day Walks
You are welcome to our ONE DAY WALKS. Walking in pilgrimage, listening attentively to the deep quiet voice within, reconnects us with our own deep spiritual essence, which knows itself as a part of the unbroken web of life. On our one day walks, pilgrims will be gifted the opportunity to ‘be’ with their own internal landscape and with the exterior landscape around them. This is not only a beautiful walk but a sacred journey undertaken with intention for self, family/community and the Earth.